His Name Is Deliverance

Let There Be No Mistake

Read How the Son's Name Was Revealed Time and Again Throughout the Old Testament, and How His Mission and His Name were One.

Order The Book That Shows His Name Indisputably Pre-Revealed in Scriptures

Mat 1:20 

But while he thought about this, see, a messenger of יהוה appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Yosěph, son of Dawiḏ, do not be afraid to take Miryam as your wife, for that which is in her was brought forth from the Set-apart Spirit. 

Mat 1:21 

“And she shall give birth to a Son, and you shall call His Name Yeshua for He shall yeshuah His people from their sins.”

$8.95 per book, with $4.95 for freight | Paperback, 106 pages

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