Studies in Slavery & Redemption
Chapter 2
New Light 2:
Elohim ALWAYS sees, and has full control of your situation.
It really is as simple as that. He knows that you are in the midst of a comic battle and have the capacity of being taken prisoner and pressed into mental, physical and definitely spiritual slavery. But take heart, delivery sometimes comes in small baskets.
Think about it...the child Moses was placed in an ARK, yes an ark, because his mother was a woman of faith, and she was so full of faith that she placed that ark directly in sight of a member of the royal family. This is TRUE Faith - she believed in her God to save.
She took a basket of woven reeds and coated it with the exact same waterproofing substances prescribed to Noah and set her child on the water right under the nose of the daughter of the man who commanded that her son be killed (along with all male children).
And as she had believed, the child found favor in the eyes of the princess and no father argues with his daughter (especially over a child) and wins. Certainly Pharaoh heard of the events of the day and said to himself, "what harm can a single child bring?"
Pharaoh sentenced hundreds of boys to death and it was all for naught, while the one - the promised one - child was raised directly under his own royal roof. And the mother of faith? Well she received her wish and was rewarded with an income for doing what she would have done for love alone - nurse her child.
But the reality is, just like faithful Mary of Nazareth,
The Child that Jochebed delivered from certain death, in a small basket, became the Deliverer that Yahweh sent to deliver her people.
There is more to this chapter that could be discussed, if this was intended to be a full study of the book, but I really want you to move along to see the depth and effects of generational slavery. Suffice it to say that when the first signs of redemption appeared, the elimination of the Egyptian that was beating on the Hebrew, the services rendered by Moses were rejected and scorned - complacency had already set in and there was still another 40 years to pass before their full redemption would come.