Studies in Slavery & Redemption
Chapter 5
New Light 5:
Freedom is never achieved with pain and opposition.
New Light 6:
Satan's 'go-to' strategy that works all too well is Distraction.
Oppressor come from an odd viewpoint:
I find this passage exceedingly eye-opening, especially in light of current events.
Pharaoh (and his minions) held the Hebrews in slavery, forced them into hard labor, coerced them into participation in idolatry, and treated them generally quite badly; but somehow convinced them that they, the overlords, had been doing them a favor by allowing for bricks to be made with straw! How did they get away with it?
In essence, Pharaoh, like his master, Satan, distracted the children of Israel away from their faith and worship (at the end of Chapter 4) and turned their attention away from faith and to their captors, their pain, and their present circumstances.
Let me set some context:
What does this all mean?