HE will AMAZE you with Light EVERYWHERE!

When Your is Open to His Spirit...

The original Quaker movement had it right.

They loved the word, knew Christ was their only hope of salvation, but distinctive among the protestants of the 16th and 17th centuries, were open to the Holy Spirit and the daily New Lights He was promised to deliver (John 16:13). They looked to that promised one, who will "speak what He hears, and guide into truth..." That Holy One is not a pastor, a preacher, a missionary, but the Spirit of Elohim - the same Spirit that hovered over the deep in Genesis 1:3, the Spirit that David grieved the potential of losing, and the Spirit that Solomon watched fill the new Temple with power. The same Spirit that empowered the apostles on Pentecost is still promised to be active to us today.

Over the past 5 years, I have seen that Spirit present and powerful in our home, our lives and our family more than at almost any other time. He is at work when we open the Word, when we pray, and when we seek God in His creation all around us. It has been AMAZING.

What follows below is my feeble efforts to attempt to keep up with the deliverance of what those Quakers would call, "New Lights" from His Word, as they rush by while reading - thoughts, impressions and understandings that are for the moment; extraordinarily powerful but, at times, difficult to grasp. The New Lights I believe the Spirit revealed will be delivered in conjunction with the books and chapters by which that light was shed.

New Lights - An Unabashed Encouragement to READ!

'Following the Lamb' never happens in a vacuum. If you travel the path on which HE leads you will always have LIGHT.

There can be JOY in the journey even in the midst of times of despair. There can be clarity in the PROMISES even when the fog around you is so thick you almost no idea which way is up - unsure of where or how to direct your prayers - your cries for help.

At least by my design, this section has no real connectivity throughout, unless it comes to light later.

Here, you will find an assortment of random articles that come from one of my favorite times of day - from 4:00-6:00 am, when my Bible, Greek & Hebrew texts and the beloved 'Forgotten Books' (Enoch, Jubilees & [what is unfortunately referred to as] The Apocrypha) are opened and my mind and heart are hungry to 'TASTE and SEE that YaHWeH is GOOD!'.

Exodus - Studies in Slavery & Redemption

I am going to begin here only because if I were to start with Genesis, I would be both overwhelmed and never finish. Some time ago, the Spirit suggested to me how the Book of Exodus can speak to the new believer, and the struggles that will most definitely ensue when he or she comes to Christ; for as Pharaoh was unwilling to release the Hebrews, so is the enemy of our souls completely unwilling to relinquish authority in our lives. Furthermore, slavery creates a mindset that is even more difficult to rend from our mind and hearts than are the chains of slavery. As we go through this book, I think you will see with me that this is an essential part of the Gospel of God, and we would be more than foolish to ignore its relevance in our walk as we follow the Lamb.

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